There is nothing new which I am going to tell you about blogging in this post. Its just a path for those who are new to blogging and in this post I will tell you how to start blogging, how to build audience, how to choose niche for your blog, how to get your blog on search engines, how to start earning and how to become a professional blogger. So we have following topics in this post.
JUMP TO:How to choose niche / Topic for my blog? What should I choose as blogging platform(Wordpress Or Blogger)? How to create / start a blog ? How to build audience for my blog ? - Social audience - Webmaster tools - Search engine optimization - Email audience How to earn money from my blog ? How to upgrade my blog to domain ?
1. How to choose niche / Topic for my blog?
Choosing a niche for your blog is actually the base on which your blog will stand. In case of any mistake you can't be a successful blogger. So before creating a blog you need to decide what you should blog about.
To choose a niche for your blog first you need to search what trending on internet or blog about what you know. For example if you know about how to make money online, start blogging about it. It will surely bring you a big audience. Furthermore if you know about cooking then you can start blogging about cooking and share your recipes with others.
Also if you know about programming you can start a blog about it. But the thing is you must know about the thing about which you are going to start blogging.
So the bottom line is start blogging about something you know or what is trending but first know about it.
2. What should I choose as blogging platform(Wordpress Or Blogger)
Before we judge whether we choose wordpress or blogger for blogging let me share features of both:
Features of blogger:
- The first feature of blogger is overview where you can see latest updates of your blog such as comments, today page views, total posts, followers and a graph which shows your traffic stats.
- The second one is post where you can see how many posts are in draft or published. You can edit them here.
- After posts other option is comments which shows you how many comments you have approved to show and how many are spam.
- The fourth is Google+ where you can manage where to share your updates whether on your on profile or any page you created on Google+.
- After Google+ there is another option of stats which describes your blog's traffic briefly. It shows today's traffic, yesterday's traffic, Last month page views, all the time traffic, countries of visitors, the pages they have visited and traffic sources.
- Other option is earnings, if you have a Google AdSense account your earnings will show up here.
- A new feature is also added which is campaigns where you can create ads of your posts which will show up in Google searches. It is very easy way to increase your blog traffic but its worth.
- After campaigns there is a layout option where you can change favicon of your blog, select a navigation bar, add description,title or image to header, edit blog posts settings and add or remove a gadget to your blog.
- After layout there is Template option with which you can customize or edit your blog template and can choose another template for your blog.
- After all options there is a last and very important option of settings which helps you to control posts and comments settings, basic settings, search preferences, language, time zone, date and other.
Features of Wordpress:
- Build a blog, a full website, or a combo. Personal blog, portfolio, business site — it’s up to you.
- Start free. Upgrade for advanced customizing or business tools. Or stay free!
- Add a custom domain to carve out your own space on the web, and manage it right from
- Over 25% of the web runs on WordPress. is home to everyone from brand-new bloggers to Time, CNN, TechCrunch, and more.
- Choose from hundreds of customizable themes, with new additions weekly.
- Create a mobile-friendly site with a click, or choose from a wide selection of responsive themes that look great everywhere.
- Get friendly, expert help — our team of Happiness Engineers is standing by.
- Support is available 24-7 via email and our community forums. For folks with an upgraded plan, Happiness Engineers are available via live chat for real-time assistance.
- Wordpress's editor is fast, intuitive, and saves your work every few seconds, so you never miss a word.
- Drag-and-drop images into posts and pages. Create designer-worthy photo galleries. Embed audio, video, and more.
- Update your site from anywhere with mobile and desktop apps for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.
- Whatever you create on is yours alone. Export your content at any time
- Automatically send new posts to Twitter, Facebook, and more, and add social tools to help readers share their favorites.
- Make it easy for new fans to find you with built-in SEO. All you have to do is publish.
- Learn more about your visitors — where they’re from, what they read, when they visit — with rich, easy-to-read stats.
All the above features are from wordpress.
But In my opinion blogger is better than wordpress. So I would prefer blogger to wordpress because of its easy interface and so much popularity.
3. How to create / start a blog ?
Its very easy to start a blog using blogger. All you need is a gmail account. Here are the steps to create your first blog. You can watch a video too!
(1). Create a Gmail account first and build your profile.
(2). Now go to and sign in to your account.
(3). After signing in you will see below page.
(4). Click New blog to create blog,when you click it a popup window will open as shown below.
(5). Now give a title to your blog which will be the name of your blog, and select a url or web link for it. Sometimes your desired urls are not available. Take care of having a title similar to blog's url as it will be helpful for seo( search engine optimization). For example your blog's title is 101Helper then select a similar link as I selected
(6). Below the Address option you can see Template which means how your blog will look? there are many templates such as simple, Dynamic, picture windows, Awesome inc, Travel etc. Select one of them which you like, I prefer simple as it looks good.
(7). After filling and selecting your choices click Create blog! Congratulations! your blog is created and ready to use.
4. How to build audience for my blog ?
This is the hard part of blogging because no matter how useful your content is, how meaningful posts are you writing, how better are your writing skills, you can't build a big audience is a day or in a month because it may take a month, 6 months or a whole year. Because building audience doesn't entirely depend on your content because even if you have golden content in your blog you can never get big audience until your posts are social, bookmarked, indexed in search engine results.
So to get a big audience you need to do following things.
- Social audience
To build social audience you need a platform so create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, Google+ page and other social profile if you need them.
After creating your profiles on social networks, share every post of your blog on your social profiles and ask your visitors to like your page, follow you on twitter or Google+ or Pinterest.
You can use gadgets for this, here are some which can bring you followers which really want to read your blog posts.
For Facebook Likes:
➥ Facebook Pop-up Like Box With Lightbox For Blogger
➥ How To Add Facebook Page Plugin/Like Box In Blogger
➥ Animated Slideout Facebook Follow/like Box For Blogger
➥ How To Add Pop Up Page Take Over Follow Buttons In Blogger
For Twitter Followers:
➥ How To Add Twitter Follow Box In Blogger Blog
➥ How To Add Pop Up Page Take Over Follow Buttons In Blogger
➥ Twitter Flying Bird For Blogger
For Google+ Followers:
You can generate your own Google+ follow button as well as you can add Google+ Follow box in your layout.
➥ How To Create Google+ Page And Connect It To Blogger
➥ Social Follow Box Slider Widget For Blogger
For more follow buttons, follow boxes you can search 101Helper!
- Webmaster tools
Webmaster tools are really really important to build a big audience because it is the way by which you tell search engines to send there robots to your blog, scan your site, get your post titles, description, images and links and show them in the search results when a proper keyword is searched by someone.
Here is a picture which will tell you what actually webmaster tools are.
So after creating your blog your first step should be submitting your blog's sitemap to all webmaster tools e.g Google, Bing and Yandex.
Here are some posts that you might like to read:
➥ How To Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools
➥ How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Bing Webmaster Tools
➥ How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Yandex
- Search engine optimization
After submitting your site to webmaster tools you need to optmize your posts and blog for search engines. Get a seo friendly template for your blog and install it or read out search engine optimizations tutorials to make your blog ready for search engines.
➥ Blogger Seo Tutorals
- Email audience
Growing your email subscribers list can increase your blog's traffic and also promotes your blog. So you should have a feed burner's feed for your site or you can use MailChimp for your blog and send your subscribers emails about your new posts. Here are some posts that I want you to read for email audience.
➥ How To Set Up An Rss Feed For Your Blogger Blog
Later, after setting RSS feed for your blog, you can let your visitors to subscribe to your news letter for new posts.
➥ Email Subscription Widget With Follow Buttons For Blogger
➥ How To Add E-mail Subscription Gadget In Blogger
5. How to earn money from my blog ?
Well most of blogger start blogging just to earn money but I recommend not to add a single ad in your blog until you have at least 150 page views per day because if you have less traffic but still you have ads on your blog, you will not earn good and this will decrease your interest in blogging and at a time you will quite blogging because you will start thinking its a waste of time. So I advice you not to add ads in your blog until you get 150 page views per day.
And after having atleast 150 page views per day you can start earning money from your blog. But the point is "Traffic is money" so never place pop up ads because people never visit a blog which have so many pop up ads. You can install interstitial ads and slider ads etc.
To start earning money read:
➥ How To Earn Money From Blogger Blog
For more tutorials about money go here
6. How to upgrade my blog to domain ?
Every blogger has a question when he is having success in blogging that "should I upgrade to a domain ?" because most of bloggers think that after upgrading to a domain you can get more traffic and earn more money but this is a wrong concept so the answer is obvious that if your blog is doing well don't upgrade and if you are going to upgrade then start from a domain, don't start blog because the time that you spent on your blog is wasted when you upgrade to domain because you have backlinks from other blogs and social networks and all these are not wasted but they are not of that value that would be when you have a blog not domain.
So in my opinion I advice you to avoid upgrading. But if you still want to upgrade to a domain, follow any of the tutorial on other blogs.
I hope you like this post and you found what you came for. If you have any problem or something is missing in this post you can share it with me in comments below or by contacting me.
Thanks for visiting 101Helper. Share this post with your friends and other bloggers.
Search keywords: How to start a blog, how to create a blog, blogger or wordpress benefits,how to start blogging steps,how to create a free website, how to become a problogger,newbies to blogging,blogger guide,how to use blogspot.
3. How to create / start a blog ?
Its very easy to start a blog using blogger. All you need is a gmail account. Here are the steps to create your first blog. You can watch a video too!
(1). Create a Gmail account first and build your profile.
(2). Now go to and sign in to your account.
(3). After signing in you will see below page.
(4). Click New blog to create blog,when you click it a popup window will open as shown below.
(5). Now give a title to your blog which will be the name of your blog, and select a url or web link for it. Sometimes your desired urls are not available. Take care of having a title similar to blog's url as it will be helpful for seo( search engine optimization). For example your blog's title is 101Helper then select a similar link as I selected
(6). Below the Address option you can see Template which means how your blog will look? there are many templates such as simple, Dynamic, picture windows, Awesome inc, Travel etc. Select one of them which you like, I prefer simple as it looks good.
(7). After filling and selecting your choices click Create blog! Congratulations! your blog is created and ready to use.
4. How to build audience for my blog ?
This is the hard part of blogging because no matter how useful your content is, how meaningful posts are you writing, how better are your writing skills, you can't build a big audience is a day or in a month because it may take a month, 6 months or a whole year. Because building audience doesn't entirely depend on your content because even if you have golden content in your blog you can never get big audience until your posts are social, bookmarked, indexed in search engine results.
So to get a big audience you need to do following things.
- Social audience
To build social audience you need a platform so create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, Google+ page and other social profile if you need them.
After creating your profiles on social networks, share every post of your blog on your social profiles and ask your visitors to like your page, follow you on twitter or Google+ or Pinterest.
You can use gadgets for this, here are some which can bring you followers which really want to read your blog posts.
For Facebook Likes:
➥ Facebook Pop-up Like Box With Lightbox For Blogger
➥ How To Add Facebook Page Plugin/Like Box In Blogger
➥ Animated Slideout Facebook Follow/like Box For Blogger
➥ How To Add Pop Up Page Take Over Follow Buttons In Blogger
For Twitter Followers:
➥ How To Add Twitter Follow Box In Blogger Blog
➥ How To Add Pop Up Page Take Over Follow Buttons In Blogger
➥ Twitter Flying Bird For Blogger
For Google+ Followers:
You can generate your own Google+ follow button as well as you can add Google+ Follow box in your layout.
➥ How To Create Google+ Page And Connect It To Blogger
➥ Social Follow Box Slider Widget For Blogger
For more follow buttons, follow boxes you can search 101Helper!
- Webmaster tools
Webmaster tools are really really important to build a big audience because it is the way by which you tell search engines to send there robots to your blog, scan your site, get your post titles, description, images and links and show them in the search results when a proper keyword is searched by someone.
Here is a picture which will tell you what actually webmaster tools are.
So after creating your blog your first step should be submitting your blog's sitemap to all webmaster tools e.g Google, Bing and Yandex.
Here are some posts that you might like to read:
➥ How To Blogger Sitemap To Google Webmaster Tools
➥ How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Bing Webmaster Tools
➥ How To Submit Blogger Sitemap To Yandex
- Search engine optimization
After submitting your site to webmaster tools you need to optmize your posts and blog for search engines. Get a seo friendly template for your blog and install it or read out search engine optimizations tutorials to make your blog ready for search engines.
➥ Blogger Seo Tutorals
- Email audience
Growing your email subscribers list can increase your blog's traffic and also promotes your blog. So you should have a feed burner's feed for your site or you can use MailChimp for your blog and send your subscribers emails about your new posts. Here are some posts that I want you to read for email audience.
➥ How To Set Up An Rss Feed For Your Blogger Blog
Later, after setting RSS feed for your blog, you can let your visitors to subscribe to your news letter for new posts.
➥ Email Subscription Widget With Follow Buttons For Blogger
➥ How To Add E-mail Subscription Gadget In Blogger
5. How to earn money from my blog ?
Well most of blogger start blogging just to earn money but I recommend not to add a single ad in your blog until you have at least 150 page views per day because if you have less traffic but still you have ads on your blog, you will not earn good and this will decrease your interest in blogging and at a time you will quite blogging because you will start thinking its a waste of time. So I advice you not to add ads in your blog until you get 150 page views per day.
And after having atleast 150 page views per day you can start earning money from your blog. But the point is "Traffic is money" so never place pop up ads because people never visit a blog which have so many pop up ads. You can install interstitial ads and slider ads etc.
To start earning money read:
➥ How To Earn Money From Blogger Blog
For more tutorials about money go here
6. How to upgrade my blog to domain ?
Every blogger has a question when he is having success in blogging that "should I upgrade to a domain ?" because most of bloggers think that after upgrading to a domain you can get more traffic and earn more money but this is a wrong concept so the answer is obvious that if your blog is doing well don't upgrade and if you are going to upgrade then start from a domain, don't start blog because the time that you spent on your blog is wasted when you upgrade to domain because you have backlinks from other blogs and social networks and all these are not wasted but they are not of that value that would be when you have a blog not domain.
So in my opinion I advice you to avoid upgrading. But if you still want to upgrade to a domain, follow any of the tutorial on other blogs.
I hope you like this post and you found what you came for. If you have any problem or something is missing in this post you can share it with me in comments below or by contacting me.
Thanks for visiting 101Helper. Share this post with your friends and other bloggers.
Search keywords: How to start a blog, how to create a blog, blogger or wordpress benefits,how to start blogging steps,how to create a free website, how to become a problogger,newbies to blogging,blogger guide,how to use blogspot.
How To Start Blogging - Full Guide To Become A ProBlogger
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 24, 2016