How To Enable Search Description In Blogger Posts For Seo

How to enable search description in every post for seo

If you have read my post in which I have shared seo tips then you must have read one point that is having a brief description of each post you write. It is helpful in seo because when you write a post and also write its description then when it is shared on social networks e.g Facebook it will show your written description and search engines can use this description and show your blog/site in search results.
But in blogger this description option is not enabled, so you have to enable it first. While writing a post on the write hand there are many options such as labels, schedule, permalink, location and options, the option(search description) which we want for our post description will show up here. So follow the belows steps to enable search description option and make you blog's seo better:

How to enable search description in every post for seo

(1). Go to Blogger and log-in to your account.

(2). Click settings in the menu on the right side of the blogger page and select search preferences in sub menu.

(3). On the search preferences page find Description and click edit.

(4). When you click edit there will be two options asking for enabling search description, click yes to enable it.

(5). Now write a description of your blog in 150 characters and click save changes and you are done.

How to enable search description in every post for seo

(6). Go to template > Edit HTML.

(7). Copy below code and paste it above </head> in your template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
  <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>



(8). Save template and you are done successfully, Go to your post to see a new option(search description), write a brief description of each post or write keywords in search description which you think that can be used in search by visitors.

If you have already added a description meta tag in your blog's template then don't type anything inside the meta description box shown in above image, just leave it blank and click on save. If you add a meta description code in your template instead of meta 
description(search preferences description) it would be counted as duplicate description.

Tip: I recommend to write tags related to your post in search description for example if you are writing a post about seo then use "seo, seo tips, seo tricks, blogger and webmasters seo tips, seo new tips, seo tips 100% working, free seo tips for bloggers and webmasters, seo tips 2014, how to make your blog seo optimized etc" words in search description.

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Search Tags: How to enable search description in every post for seo, search description, seo tips, 101Helper tutorials, seo for blogger, description for posts blogger meta

How To Enable Search Description In Blogger Posts For Seo How To Enable Search Description In Blogger Posts For Seo Reviewed by Anonymous on September 28, 2014 Rating: 5
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