Social share buttons with a jumbo counter was only available for wordpress blogs but now with Addthis you can add it in blogger also. The best thing about using a jumbo counter is that it grabs attention of visitors and they tend to share your content. So here is a quick tutorial about how to add share buttons with a jumbo counter in blogger using Addthis plugin!
STEP 1: Go to Addthis and Sign in to your account, if you don't have any addthis account then create a new account and Sign in to it.
STEP 2: Open Tools and click on Add a New Tool.
STEP 3: Select Share Buttons when you are asked to select a tool.
STEP 4: Choose Inline Style for your share buttons and click on continue button.
STEP 5: Click on the selector and select jumbo counter.
STEP 6: Make other customizations like buttons which you want to show.
STEP 7: Click on Save & Continue.
One Last step!
Copy Your Inline Share Buttons code into your blog. Make sure you have added the Master code first above </head> in your template.
More About Addthis Share Buttons:

1. Inline share buttons.
2. Expandable share buttons.
3. Sidebar share buttons.
Smooth Responsive Floating Social Media Buttons For Blogger
4. Image sharing buttons.
"On-hover" Share Buttons For Blogger Post Images
All these buttons are fully customizable, you can design your buttons and also decide where to show your buttons.
I hope you found this post helpful, if not ask me in comments or contact me.
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Search Keywords: How To Add Share Buttons With Jumbo Counter In Blogger, share buttons with counters in blogger, wordpress style share buttons for blogger blog,blogspot share buttons,how to add addthis plugins and share buttons in blogger.
How To Add Share Buttons With Jumbo Counter In Blogger
Reviewed by Anonymous
November 04, 2016