Simple Related Post Widget With Thumbnails And Links For Blogger

Related posts widget for website and blog

I have shared many types of featured related post widgets for blogger having different styles such as Linkwithin related post widget, n-relate related posts widget etc. As this widget is used and searched on internet very often. Related post widget is added in order to increase blog traffic because with the help of this widget visitors are able to see similar posts and read them which helps in increasing page-views.
Related posts widgets are of two types one is with thumbnails and another is without thumbnails. Previously related posts widgets which I shared are of only thumbnails type, I haven't shared simple related posts widget having links only so in this post I am sharing how can you add a related posts widget without thumbnails or with thumbnails to your blog or website. This related posts widget in powered by Outbrain. Read features of this related posts widget below along with method of adding it to blog or site. You can also see screenshot of this widget below:

Related posts widget for website and blog


  • You can add this gadget in two styles either only links and also with thumbails.
  • Free of cost.
  • Easy to implement.
  • You can earn money with this widget also.
How to add this widget in blogger:

Its very easy to add this widget in blogger. You can add this gadget with or without thumbnails. Choose the style and follow below steps to add this widget in blogger:

Step 1- Go to , select blogger as your platform and fill out the information asked e.g  username, password, Email and blog url as registration is needed for this widget.

Related posts widget for website and blog

Step 2- Check I agree to outbrain terms of service and privacy policy and click on install, may be you are asked to activate your account first so do that and follow next step.

Step 3- When you reach to widget adding page of blogger you need to make some changes because this widget normally show related posts on homepage also so to make them show only below posts you have to click on Edit template which will expand the box, now all you have to do is to replace <b:includable id='main' > <data:content/> </b:includable> with <b:includable id='main'><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:content/></b:if></b:includable> as shown in below image:

How to add Related posts widget to website and blog

Step 4- Click on add widget and you are done, check out your related posts below your posts.

How to select thumbnails and without thumbnails widget:

This widgets is in two different styles one thumbnails and another without thumbnails, you have learnt how to add this widget and now I will show you how to select styles of widget, so follow the below steps:

Step 1- Go to and select your choice text or thumbnail as shown in below image:

How to add Related posts widget to website and blog

Make sure to log-in to your outbrain account before adding widget.

Step 2- Select blogger as platform and add widget to your blog by following above mentioned steps.

If you choose thumbnails related post widget but the widget still shows only links then go to enter your username and password and login to your account, now click on manage blogs select settings and at the bottom of the settings page select widget type as Thumbnails images and click on save settings. If you are still confused then below image will help you:

How to add Related posts widget to website and blog

Generally I always share customization method in every post while sharing a widget but this widget can't be customized so you can't customize it.

I hope you like this post, if so then share it with others. If you have any question or suggestion leave a comment below. Follow and subscribe to 101Helper by E-mail to get latest news about website and blog gadgets or Follow on Facebook, Twitter or +Google+ 

Search tags: Related post showing gadget, how to add related posts widget in blog, how to earn money with widgets, Simple related post widget with thumbnails and links for blogger, 101Helper blogger widgets.
Simple Related Post Widget With Thumbnails And Links For Blogger Simple Related Post Widget With Thumbnails And Links For Blogger Reviewed by Anonymous on November 03, 2014 Rating: 5
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