Tips To Get More Clicks On Ads

Earn money by blog

As i said earlier that blogging is a good way to earn money and many people are earning thousand dollars monthly, many people have made blogging their profession too but the problem about earning money through blogging is that most of visitors don't click your ads which results in low revenue and people quite blogging and forget about earning money online.
There are several reasons for low clicks on your ads. Either the ads are not interesting or low traffic or low number of ads on your blog. In this post I will tell you some tips to make people click your ads and increase your blog revenue. To do so you have to follow below steps:

(1). Increase your blog traffic:

You can increase your blog traffic easily by doing seo(search engine optimization). More visitors means more clicks and more ad impressions which will ultimately increase your blog revenue. If your blog traffic is low you can get some seo tips by clicking here which works 100%. 

(2). Using Publishing networks that pay high rates:

For increasing your revenue choose a good publishing network that pay high rates for example: high cpc(cost per click), high cpm(cost per thousands). You can find publishing networks that pay high rates on Google. Now a days the highest paying networks are Google Adsense and Infolinks.

(3). Position of ads:

For more clicks you have to integrate ads in right place on your blog such as adding your ads between posts so the users click them while reading post, don't forget to add image ads because they are more interesting for most of users. How to add your ads between  posts? You can see some best positions for showing ads in the below image:

(4). Number of ads:

Add a great number of ads in blog so any visitor may click them accidentally or by his own choice.

(5). Using in text ads:

In-text ads means ads in text, while reading a post some text is highlighted so the user click it to know if there is any link and in this way you get more clicks. Now a days and Infolinks provide in-text ads.

(6). Using large size image banners: 

Add large sized vertical and horizontal ads on you blog pages. Using image ads will attract more people to click them. 

(7). Adding Google custom search box(for Adsense users):

If you are using Google Adsense you can increase your blog revenue by adding Google custom search box to your blog and connecting your account with the custom search box. Now when ever any visitor will search for something in your blog ads will appear in the top of the search results. And many users click these ads.

(8). Adding ads below header:

Add ads below header because it is located on the top of your blog so it increase chances to get more clicks.

(9). Mobile ads:

Well this is also helpful to get more clicks because there are many people who reads blogs in smartphones, so you can make them click your ads. I don't know about Google Adsense may be it provides mobile ad units but some networks like infolinks,clicksor etc doesn't provide any mobile ad units so their ads won't appear in mobile. But I have found a solution for that with this trick you can show ads of any network in smartphones, for this purpose you have to enable that gadget in mobile view which contains ads javascript code for example if you are using infolinks, Infolinks ads are integrated in blogger as a gadget so what you have to do is to enable that gadget in mobile view. You can also show ads of other networks in mobile although they also work as infolinks(ads code is added as gadget). You can read a detailed post about enabling ads in mobile view here.

I hope this post was helpful to you, I will add more tips soon when I learn more about getting people click your ads. Thanks for visiting, Share this post to help others, Follow and subscribe for more blogger tips, tricks, gadgets, widgets and help.

Tags:  Tips to get more click on your ads and increase your revenue, 101Helper : Blogger tips, blogger tricks, blogger gadgets / widgets, blogger help
Tips To Get More Clicks On Ads Tips To Get More Clicks On Ads Reviewed by Anonymous on August 19, 2014 Rating: 5
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