Changing the Date for a Post

This article is about how to change the date of a post in Blogger.  It looks at where the date value is found, and what format is used to display and edit it.

Each Post (not but each Page) that you create in Blogger has a date and time associated with it.   To find out what it is:
  • You can see the date (but not the time) in the Posts tab.

  • And, you can see the date and time in the Post Editor, in the Published on link (in the right-hand side-bar

How to set the post date (date/time) value for a blogger post

Open the Post in the Post Editor

Click the Post Options link, which is near the bottom left of the page above the Publish button (old interface) or the Published on link (in the right-hand sidebar in the new interface):

This opens up the window to show various options that apply to the post.   The date-time is on the right.

Initially, the date-time is set to Automatic:  the post will be given a date-time when the Publish Post button is clicked for the first time.

Tick the Published on,area which lets you edit the date., by showing a calendar to pick the date from, like this:

To set the date for a long time in the past, you can just type in the correct values, rathe rthna having to page backwards month-by-month using the arrows.

Why set the date?

You may want to set the date if you are giving your blog a home page, or if you want to schedule a post to go live at some time in the future.

Is any other date information kept in Blogger?

You can work out the month and year when a post was first published by looking at its URL: this contains the original publication month and year.  For example, the URL of this post is

The bolded bit says that it was originally published in December (ie the 12th month) of 2009.   This URL is kept even if I change the values in "Post Date and Time"   (which I'm just about to do, to show when the article was last updated).

I think it's likely that Blogger also stores the exact publication date and time somewhere too (at least, to help them resolve DMCA copyright complaints), but don't know any way to access this.

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Changing the Date for a Post Changing the Date for a Post Reviewed by djrams official on February 23, 2012 Rating: 5
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