This quick-tip has details about laying out AdSense ads side-by-side with the text in your Blogger posts.
Previously I've explained how to put an AdSense ad-unit "in-line" in your blog post. Using this approach, the advertisement is put in a block of its own, and your content starts again underneath it.
However you can use DIV statements to allow your text to flow around the ad. I've described how do use this approach for putting text and pictures side by side in your blog, and it could easily be used for ad-unit code instead.
That said, in Jan 2010, AdSense's blog gave advice to:
If you do want to put an ad and your content side-by-side, then you should use similar techniques to what you would use for laying out any other types of content side-by-side.
AdSense Troublehooting hints-and-tips overview
Puutting text and pictures side by side in your blog
How to put an AdSense ad-unit "in-line" in your blog post
Using a table to display data in your blog
Previously I've explained how to put an AdSense ad-unit "in-line" in your blog post. Using this approach, the advertisement is put in a block of its own, and your content starts again underneath it.
However you can use DIV statements to allow your text to flow around the ad. I've described how do use this approach for putting text and pictures side by side in your blog, and it could easily be used for ad-unit code instead.
That said, in Jan 2010, AdSense's blog gave advice to:
"avoid embedding the ad code in excessive div tags or nested frames".They didn't say what counts as excessive - but just in case, it may be a good idea to use a separate div for the ad rather than embedding <div> statements.
If you do want to put an ad and your content side-by-side, then you should use similar techniques to what you would use for laying out any other types of content side-by-side.
Related Posts
AdSense Troublehooting hints-and-tips overview
Puutting text and pictures side by side in your blog
How to put an AdSense ad-unit "in-line" in your blog post
Using a table to display data in your blog
AdSense Layouts: don't use too many Divs
Reviewed by djrams official
February 04, 2010